Original Bridge at Dunedin
Here is another special picture obtained after the history was written. On page 32 of The History and Stories of Clyde River, there is a picture of the Dunedin bridge 1881. This bridge actually had a manually operated drawbridge to allow ships to pass. This picture helps viewers to visualize how the bridge worked.
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[…] Mac Irwin’s Roamer coming down river ready to pass through the draw of the West River bridge. The raising of the draw may have been something of a local attraction. All effort was manual, using hand-cranked winches to lift the draw leaves – two can be seen to the left of the photo. This picture originally appeared in the excellent Clyde River community web-site at https://clyderiverpei.com/2010/03/04/original-bridge-at-dunedin/ […]
The building of the bridge meant that larger vessels such as the City of London ended their trips at West River Bridge. They were too big to go through the draw and the channel became narrow and shallow above it. However smaller vessels, especially the gasoline launches which went up to Bonshaw used the draw until 1936. For more on the draw-bridge see https://sailstrait.wordpress.com/2017/11/10/the-west-river-draw-bridge/
I have examined the photo on page 32 of the History and Stories of Clyde River. I do not believe that this is the City of London which had a closed deck. The City of London served on the route from 1903 to 1908. While the photo is not very clear I have some doubt that this is really the Dundein bridge. I am trying to determine just where the picture was taken from that would give this angle and show the rising ground in the background. Perhaps someone more familiar with the area could help out. The photo seems to have been taken in winter as I see ice buildup in the pilings. On the right of the photo is what looks like a stone beach. If so this might not be P.E.I. at all. Any suggestions? Postcards showing the City of London can be seen at https://sailstrait.wordpress.com/2013/11/10/the-city-of-london/
Can I obtain a copy of this picture?
You can download this one if you wish. Are you planning to paint the scene? If so, please share image when finished.