Clyde River’s New Horizons for Seniors Project
The Clyde River Women’s Institute has been successful in obtaining funding for Clyde River’s New Horizons for Seniors’ Project entitled “Youth Inspire Seniors and Seniors Inspire Youth.” It runs from March 2010 to March 2011. The primary focus is on seniors’ participation and intergenerational activities. A Steering Committee and subcommittees have been formed to carry out the project.
Part of the New Horizons grant goes to capital expenses that stay at the Community Centre after the project but are necessary for activities of the project. We have purchased a commercial dishwasher – considered a necessity for serving food in public places. As well we purchased a flat screen TV and DVD to be used for presentations and viewing DVDs and 12 senior friendly chairs with arms. The remaining grant money goes into planning and hosting four activities designed to encourage more community involvement among seniors and more opportunity for communication between generations.
Here is a brief summary of the four scheduled activities that are planned:
Sunday April 25, 2010, 2-4 p.m. Youth Inspire Seniors Presentation
The Committee is Marie Brine and Lisa Ross. Four youth will present on a unique life experience including wonderful pictures that all will enjoy. Refreshments will be prepared by and served by youth. Seniors who require transportation can call 675-4273 or 675-4747. Open to all who reside in or are connected to Clyde River.
2011 Calendar Project featuring photos of pre-1900 homes
A youth will be matched with owner or senior for this project. The History Committee is taking the lead – Hilda, Sandra, Nancy, Emily, Carol. Calendars will be available for sale in the fall of 2010.
Seniors Appreciation Dinner
It will include guest list of people who have made numerous contributions to the community. Youth will serve with Audrey MacPhee’s coaching. Thelma Gillespie, Jessie McCrady and Sandra Cameron taking the lead on this event. Youth entertainment will follow the meal.
Seniors Inspire Youth Presentation
An activity sometime this fall with CRWI taking the lead. More information to follow but it will be informative and fun!
Watch for further updates on this project throughout the year.
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If you know of seniors in the community who are not on the internet, please give them a call to let them know about this Project or print this article for them and any other articles that you think would be of interest. We would like them to feel part of the community website initiative.