Summer in Murchison Place park – a good news story
[slideshow]Residents of Prince Edward Island enjoyed a top notch summer, even though the humidity was higher than normal and zapped energy some days. A wonderful way to escape excessive heat is a visit to the shaded Murchison Place park in Clyde River. Many a smart family have discovered this and children played there in the hottest hours of the day. Comments from users like – “wonderful cool spot”; “beats the heat of the beach”; and “something here for all ages” are very rewarding to the Park Committee.
This park looked lovely this summer thanks to many people but especially the Community Council’s summer student Emily Ross who added extra interesting touches to the park and kept the park, the Community Centre grounds and the Pioneer Cemetery in tip top shape. The clean-up crew on the long weekend in May and the families who volunteered to oversee the park for two weeks deserve credit for their faithful attention to detail. The men who cleaned up the fallen branches and trees after the mini hurricane did great work as well.
This year the well attended Concert in the Park added a new pleasant experience and another way to appreciate our community park. Birthday parties, kindergarten closings, and Sunday School picnics warranted closing the park to other people for a couple of hours and it’s wonderful to see the park used for larger events such as these. Walkers took advantage of the wooden walking trail in a summer of busier than usual traffic on the Clyde River Road.
This park is indeed a volunteer community effort and is helping the area develop an increased sense of community pride. It’s not just Clyde River residents that use Murchison Place park. This year’s clean-up day brought helpers from several communities and that’s great because the park is meant to be used. Murchison Place park is all a good news story.
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Any summer photos of the flower gardens, foliage/shaded areas,or board walk? Pictures are worth a thousand words and they woulde be great to pass on to our friends to show them how great our park really is! (Pictures without people so we can circulate without a privacy issue, please.)