Announcing Clyde River’s Women’s Heart Health Day

True, it’s very cold and windy and January, and we are homebound more than other months, but there are opportunities for social contacts right here in Clyde River at the Riverview Community Centre.The Clyde River Women’s Institute keep this facility heated and in good repair for community use. Here are some examples for the winter months.

Mondays – 7 p.m. Crokinole parties under the capable direction of Glen Wigginton and George Watts and with a delicious lunch provided by ladies in the community. These are lots of fun and you don’t have to be a good player. Cost is only $4.00 a night. There’s already a faithful group of players and new people are always welcome. Check it out !!

First Tuesday of every month – Women’s Institute meeting. Phone Betty at 566-2840 for details about Women’s Institute or to book the Community Centre.

Wednesdays– Beginning Feb. 2nd, 6 p.m. Zumba Fitness with Dana (see previous entry)

Saturdays – LEAP Art Classes -9 a.m. with Julia Purcell. These classes are full and going well. Look for the Open House on April 9, 2011 to view the paintings of these artists.

And watch for a Community Council sponsored training session coming up soon with Vivian Beer to help residents of Clyde River better understand and participate in the community blog.

And now announcing a new event:
Saturday February 19th, 2-4 p.m. Women’s Heart Health
The women of Clyde River are invited to an afternoon devoted to women’s heart health. The CRWI, in partnership with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI, join neighbouring WI groups and women of Clyde River for an afternoon of information, fun, fellowship and food. The event is entitled “Taste your Name’ and will promote fruits and vegetables as important foods to promote heart health. To register, call Betty at 566-2840 or Emily at 675-4203 before February 12th. There is no cost for this event. This is Clyde River’s participation in the Federated Women’s Institute of Canada’s goal of ensuring that Canadian women understand the importance of paying attention to their heart health.

We already know the women of Clyde River have big hearts; we want to make sure they are healthy, too.

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