Website Workshop, March 5, 1:30-3:30 pm
You are invited to attend the Clyde River Website Workshop on Saturday, March 5, 2011, from 1:30-3:30 pm at the Riverview Community Centre.
This workshop is for those who love Clyde River and its stories and enjoy reading the Clyde River website. Sounds like all of you. If you are fearful of technology or afraid of writing, don’t worry. If you have ideas for stories that you would like to see featured, great. If you have photos to contribute, wonderful. The objective for the workshop is to understand more about the site, so you can enjoy it even more and think about contributing stories/photos with the assistance of writing and technical helpers. If you are living in Clyde River, odds are you could come up with a least a couple of great stories about this wonderful community. The website has already proven how many good stories our community can come up with.
For those of you living away from Clyde River and want to contribute to the session, we welcome your ideas as well which we promise to share with the group. Email your ideas to or add them to the comments section of this article.
The outline for the session will be:
- Tour of the Clyde River Website and Facebook Page with opportunity for questions/learning
- Overview and feedback on current story features
- Suggestions for new stories/features (Bring along your list of ideas to the workshop)
- How to submit a story
- Creating a Clyde River photo collection/submitting a photo
- Inviting youth to contribute ideas for site
- Website for Seniors – printing stories for seniors and inviting their story ideas
- Website Buddy System – matching story contributors with technical people
We want to make sure we have representatives from all parts of the community e.g. youth/seniors and in-between, community business owners, Women’s Institute members, new residents, local church workers, armchair historians, creative talents and those of you who like to be part of something that is fun.
If you want to attend, please email Vivian Beer, workshop leader, at or call 569-8665. If you have any questions beforehand, please let me know.
If you still feel a little fearful of joining us, don’t worry, you won’t be alone. We will have a cup of tea ready for you to calm your nerves.
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[…] Website Workshop Overview – Click here […]