A Tribute to Mr. Lloyd A. Murray (1915-2011)
Clyde River lost a good friend on Feb. 1, 2011 when Lloyd A. Murray, the community’s oldest life-long resident died. Many feel the loss of a fine friend and neighbour. Lloyd was respected by everyone, and we remember him with thanks and admiration.
Lloyd was known for his kindness, interest in his family and community, and faithfulness to his church. With wonder, neighbours marvelled at Lloyd’s practice of driving to Cornwall every morning to check out the day and buy a coffee – pretty impressive at 95. With humbleness, calmness and strength of character, Lloyd adjusted to changes in his life and found something positive in whatever life brought his way.
Lloyd Murray was born in 1915, so one can only imagine the changes he saw throughout his lifetime. When he was only 13, his father Wallace died, leaving his mother Katie and three children Lloyd, Everett and Hilda. Lloyd took over the farm at this young age and worked hard for many years, taking care of this land and raising dairy and beef cattle. Lloyd Murray also drove the mail and, for years, he and his wife Alma were caretakers of the school next door. He housed many a horse while the owners attended a function at the hall, school or church. The Murray farm overlooks the Clyde River, and for 95 yrs., Lloyd lived in the historic plank house and watched the tides and the sun rise and set over the River. He had a keen memory and his insights added credibility to the writing of the Clyde River history (2009).
Lloyd married his dear wife Alma (nee MacPhee) in 1936 and they had two children. Joan and Byron. Alma died in 2008 and Lloyd deeply missed her. “Bamp”, a much-loved grandfather to Pam, Kerrilee, Patricia, and Jocelyne, was thrilled by the arrival of 6 great-grandchildren. He was grateful for the kindness shown by his family and spoke highly of his children, grandchildren and their spouses. Lloyd’s sister Hilda Beer still lives in this community and they were very close. His only brother Everett died in 2002. His sister-in-law Irene lives in Charlottetown.
At Mr. Lloyd Murray’s largely-attended funeral, Rev. Steven Stead’s words highlighted the goodness of this respected man. The ladies of Burnside Presbyterian Church were pleased to provide a reception following the service, and this time gave Lloyd’s family, friends and neighbours a chance to honour Lloyd in the church he loved.
History Archives
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I miss Lloyd. He was always home and I knew I could pop in for a chat anytime. I was going for a walk yesterday (Sun, March 6/11) and thought how I miss not visiting Lloyd when I went past his place. He was always asking after my family and neighbours. He was a kind and wise man. I’ll just have to change my visits to the graveyard when I want to chat.
Jo-Ann MacPhail