Clyde River Women’s Institute News

January Meeting: President Betty Watts invited members of the Clyde River Women’s Institute to her home for the January 4th meeting. Seven members answered the roll call by giving a one-minute speech on a topic of her choice.

The Sunshine Committee reported sending several cards since the last meeting. Thank-you cards were received for the use of the centre, as well as a thank you from East Wiltshire Intermediate School for the donation of a new griddle for the breakfast program.

Appreciation and thanks were expressed for all the women in the community who volunteer to help with lunch, as well as Mike Fitzgerald who made and donated a lectern for use at the Riverview Community Centre.

This coming year, the Provincial WI is promoting and supporting heart and stroke health. Betty Watts and Emily Bryant were on the committee that organized an event on February 19th which was well attended.

L.E.A.P. sessions are in full swing again this year and are conducted by Julia Purcell.

Bryant reported that the calendar project has been successful. The calendar depicts each month the older homes in Clyde River along with a short description.

The adult Christmas Community Party was reported as well attended, and another will be planned for this year.

A discussion was held regarding donating to the QEH Stroke Unit, and it was decided to make a $1000 donation.

Bryant, as convener of Canadian Industries and Safety, presented an interesting and informative program on the effects of carbon monoxide. It was then decided to purchase a CMO detector for the community centre.

February Meeting: Helen MacPhail hosted the regular meeting of Clyde River WI. Eight members answered the roll call by donating a wrapped item for auction. Thelma Gillespie acted as auctioneer, and this created some fun and some funds.

JoAnn MacPhail reported that three new fire extinguishers had been purchased and installed in the centre.

Saturday, April 9, 2011. the Spring is in the Air Gala Dinner sponsored by Federated Women’s Institute of PEI will be held at the Atlantic Tourism and Culinary Centre, $75/person (4-course dinner, silent & live auction) Tax Receipt available. All proceeds go to purchase rehabilitation equipment for the PCH and QEH Stroke Program. For tickets, call WI Office at 368-4860 or Emily Bryant at 675-4203

Zumba classes are well attended at the community centre on Wednesdays, 6-7 pm, under the instruction of Dana Titian. To register or for more information, call Dana at 675-3262.

Word has been received that Clyde River WI has won a PEI Museum and Heritage Award for their production of the 2011 Calendar. Kudos to the calendar committee as well as Emily Ross and Doreen Pound for their computer expertise.

Plans were made for providing refreshments at the upcoming District Area 9 Spring Convention to be held at Afton Community Centre on March 2nd.

Carol Richards, as convener of home economics and health, presented information on the many heart healthy uses of cinnamon and honey.

(This news also appeared in The Guardian on March 8th, 2011)

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