Thanksgiving Weekend in Clyde River
[slideshow]I took a drive out to Clyde River yesterday to deliver something to Sharon MacLean at the Clyde River Baptist Church. Jo-Ann MacPhail was there decorating for Thanksgiving with pumpkins, apples and coloured leaves from her collection of props. What a talent she has for making things beautiful. Sally Ross was also there to ensure everything was clean for Sunday’s service. It has been a while since I was in the church, so I toured around and took a few photos. I actually started Grade One in the basement of this church, while they were finishing the new addition to the school next door. The blackboard is still on the wall. At recess, we would climb up the big pile of dirt on the construction site.
Yesterday was a beautiful day to drive around Clyde River and take a few photos. The leaves have not turned yet, but after the week of wind and hail we had, it was wonderful to feel the sun and warmth and to be outside. I toured down the Clyde River Road and captured some of Alex MacPhee’s horses in the field. The river looked silver, and the fields were displaying the last greens of the season. The Livingston’s had their straw and hay rolled and ready for winter. The golfers were out at Clyde River Golf Course. Up the Baltic Road, there was a display of colourful pumpkins, and Waller’s strong and statuesque horses were grazing. In the Bannockburn, Fred was home visiting his mother Hilda Beer and doing some chores around the farm. It was a great chance for my Sheltie dog to run free through the fields. I enjoyed a nice chat with my Aunt Hilda, and she served her classic lemon loaf.
In the Linwood Road, potato farmers were gathering the last of the crop. There was lots of activity at the Clyde River Apple Orchard with folks enjoying the day and gathering some apples, plums and Cinderella pumpkins for Thanksgiving. Don Northcott took me for a tour of his new vineyard on the hill which I saw from a distance earlier in the year while visiting the Fitzgerald’s. He says Clyde River and St. Catherine’s are turning into a wine region of PEI. The netting on the vines protects the grapes from the birds. They are attracted to the succulent, sweet taste which I was fortunate enough to try myself. Last year, Matos Vineyards and Winery in St. Catherine’s lost much of their crop to the birds and were also adding netting this year. I hope Sydney Poritz is getting along well with his vineyards on the former Darrach property on the banks of the Clyde River.
What a wonderful day to tour through Clyde River. What started as a quick delivery turned out to be a memorable Thanksgiving weekend adventure.
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Thanks for the glimpse into fall in Clyde River. I love the “day in the life” feel. For those of us living away, we are transported back there. I can almost smell the apple pies baking now! Happy Thanksgiving to all family and friends.
How important it is to see the beauty of autumn each year and not take this scenery for granted. Thank you for taking the time to take these photos and post them for all of us to enjoy.
Vivian, you do such wonderful photography and capturing the beauty within our own community that most of us wouldn’t have the opportunity to take in with such detailed narration. We are very fortunate to be able to view the neighborhood beauty featuring each season.
Vivian, I loved the pictures you took of Clyde River the other week-end. It is a JOY to see the handiwork of the Lord and my neighbours. One only needs to take time during our busy schedules to go for a walk or drive to enjoy Clyde River all the year through. Your photos are great, especially for those who can’t get out or who live far away.
Thanks for all your comments. It was an extraordinarily beautiful day that can only be truly enjoyed in the country. There is nothing quite like the hot days of October and seeing the bounty of the harvest with all the colours and tasting the fresh flavours. Picking something from a tree or vine is so much more satisfying than a trip to the grocery store. Also, I enjoy seeing the horses and cows in the community; they look so content. I think we could do a feature just on them.