80th Birthday Party for George Watts

Mr. George Watts

The family of George Watts invite you to celebrate his 80th birthday with him at the  Riverview Community Centre, 718 Clyde River Road on Saturday January 28, from 3-5 p.m. Best Wishes only.

We received permission to post this on the website. Until yesterday, this event was a surprise for George. Anyone who knows him would appreciate that he would just as soon this day pass without a”fuss” as George is a humble, background guy who does a lot to help his community but doesn’t seek or expect recognition. Yet, every Monday night, he helps at the weekly crokinole parties. Every year at the Annual Apple Pie Festival, he peels apples for hours and hours without a break. And he always responds to his wife Betty’s requests when she, as President of the Clyde River Women’s Institute, asks George to help. No matter what George is asked to do, he willingly helps out, even when the job isn’t easy and even though his knees may object to the work he has done. On the Watts’ farm, George does a good days work helping with the cattle and, in the summer, working with his potatoes. He grows the best cobbler, red and blue potatoes around, and, while he sells them at the roadside and the local stores, he generously shares them as well. He also does a lot of his own machinery repair and is quick to offer help and advise to a neighbour who has trouble with a tractor or other machinery.

George is a devoted family man and a good neighbour and friend.  Happy Birthday George.

Note: Last weekend, Thelma Gillespie`s 60th birthday party was a success at the Riverview Community Centre, but because it was supposed to be a surprise, it could not be posted. The grapevine talk, though, is that you can’t fool Thelma. She caught on to the surprise party but had a great time anyway. Belated Happy Birthday to Thelma.

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  1. Jeffrey and Dianne Watts on February 2, 2012 at 3:06 pm

    Happy Birthday to George Watts from all the Colorado Watts, USA

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