Happy New Year
This writer, Emily Bryant, no longer lives in Clyde River but Vivian Beer has been away for a much anticipated Christmas holiday and thus the Clyde River website has been quiet for a couple of weeks.
I’m not saying that Doug Gillespie, as Council Chair, or Betty Watts, as President of the Clyde River Women’s Institute, should be hosting a New Year’s Levee, but I do think it is important to look back at Clyde River’s successful 2012 year, so here goes my humble attempt.
At the beginning of 2012, a snow storm made the Open House to show off the new renovations to the Community Centre a poorly attended event -understandable -but those who were present, and numerous other people since that time, have marvelled at the front entrance, the lovely new kitchen, the enhanced lighting, the wide stairs to the basement and the bright and versatile basement area. Then a very successful CPR/AED training was held in February with many residents now being certified in this life saving procedure. No apologies that this AED has not been used. It’s the kind of a program that a community needs to be prepared for emergencies hoping that one doesn’t come.
And every Monday night crokinole players enjoyed their game and laughed and challenged each other to improve their score with organizers Glen Wigginton and George Watts setting the mood for a good time. Every Monday afternoon, the “hills were alive with the Sound of Music”, well, at least the Community Centre was as the Clyde River LEAP choir enjoyed singing with the direction of Lisa Stead. And this choir “wowed” the audience at an Open House in April.
Come May, the Murchison Place Park Annual clean-up day was a wonderful event with neighbours working together to prepare this gem of a park for summer visitors. I must not forget the Queen’s Jubilee Tea that the CRWI hosted on June 5, 2012 -exactly 60 yrs. from the day Queen Elizabeth II was crowned. Many of us wore fascinators or hats and we drank tea from the silver tea service and enjoyed a beautifully decorated cake. Helen MacPhail told of her visit to Buckingham Palace and how gracious our Queen was. It was a lovely afternoon, indeed, a High Tea.
By all accounts, the 2012 Canada Day format worked out great and was much enjoyed by old and young alike. The Strawberry Festival of 2012 was a huge success and, as usual, those in attendance loved the opportunity to chat as much as the delicious food. The 2nd Art in the Park day was enjoyed by all who attended although the weather was not the best for an outside party. And the kind people of Clyde River honored Vans and I when we moved from Clyde River.
But the BIG stories of 2012 in Clyde River were 1) the building of what will be a beautiful setting for seniors. Likely Clyde River’s largest building, the Community Care facility on the Clyde River Road, is close to completion and is changing the landscape from the TCH and 2) the production of a photo book entitled Landscape of Memories, Clyde River, PEI.
This lovely book was written by Vivian Beer and features the beautiful photography of various sites in Clyde River that were taken by Vivian over a calendar year thus capturing this community in all seasons. The book was sponsored by the Clyde River Women’s Institute, in partnership with the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors program. The joy of this book was the fact that seniors from the community had the opportunity and took responsibility for providing Vivian with insights that really helped to make this book authentic and a gem for years to come. Vivian met with seniors collectively and individually capturing several homes and properties. The colours in the book are spectacular. There have been lots of positive comments about this book, and yes, there are some left and may be obtained by contacting Vivian or any WI member.
Of course, I’m missing many stories and maybe people can add through the comment section. One recent event held at the Community Centre was the pancake breakfast, the first venture of the newly formed Friends of Clyde River group. From what I heard this breakfast was a major success. Lisa Ross’ personal touch got some new people to this event. Everyone who attended agreed this was a nice way to meet neighbours. And the Women’s Institute hosted the Annual Christmas party and it was a blast! Those who missed this event in 2012 must try to make it in 2013. There are too few interactive parties where everyone joins in.
I am influenced today by three messages. One comes from a daily inspirational message that suggests we need to use New Year’s as a time to reflect on the past year verses resolutions that are too quickly broken. One is a Guardian sermon by Rev. Paula Hamilton that urges us to be our “better selves” all through a year so that the Christmas spirit can be evident all through the year. She uses the examples of giving without expecting anything in return, and purposefully looking for ways to be our better self. The third comes from the Ann Landers column where, among others, she invites readers to laugh as much and often as possible – great for inner spirits, good for facial muscles…actually making us look younger. What’s not to love about that advice!
All the best in 2013, Clyde River, from , as my friend Emily Ross says, Emily from Stratford, (Vans too).
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Happy New Year from Jo-Ann and Victoria MacPhail! We would also love to see a levee at Clyde River as this community has sure grown in the past few years and has a lot to be proud of and show off. But open houses and “meet your neighbour” events are always great, and perhaps one could be held to help banish the winter blahs and increase our facial laugh lines. 🙂
It has been great to read these community blogs, so thanks to Vivian and Emily and all other contributors and writers. Thanks also to everyone who helped out in the community this year, at the Park, at the Community Centre, in the churches, along the roadsides, or with friends, family, and neighbours -> YOU are what makes Clyde River such a great place to live.
For those of you on this blog who haven’t been able to drive down the Clyde River Road this week, here is a photo of the sign wishing all residents a Happy New Year: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152381651240514.948774.611065513&type=1&l=7fe4bbda7d.
All the best in 2013!