Clyde River Lecture Series begins January 26th

Screen Shot 2013-01-20 at 10.48.30 PMThe Friends of Clyde River, Historical Education Committee, is organizing a series of talks over the next few weeks. We will call them “lectures” but the underlying reason for these events is to get together as a community along with anyone else who wishes to join us and invite some interesting people with entertaining stories over for a visit. You know…a visit…that activity that people once participated in when they actually had time and the energy…where we would call someone up or maybe they would just drop by unannounced for a good chat. Remember, how great that was. There would always be tea and cookies or biscuits on hand to make a little lunch…even though they would say, “now, there’s no need for a lunch”, but you knew that was just them being polite.

Well, we are inviting some visitors to Clyde River, and we are going to meet them at the Riverview Community Centre. So we want you to mark your calendar for the following dates and times and make sure you drop over.

Saturday, January 26, 1:30 – 3:00 pmHelen Smith-MacPhail
As part of Helen’s Master of Education program, she participated in a battlefield tour with other Canadian teachers where she followed the The Story of Two Murray Brothers in World War I who were from Clyde River. Hector was killed in action at Vimy Ridge, and Alexander was killed in action at Passchendaele. She will feature her research and photos of the trip.

Saturday, February 2nd, 1:30 – 3:00 pm – Catherine Hennessey
Catherine is going to speak to us about The Importance of Samuel Holland to the History of Prince Edward Island. It will impress her if you all know we are living in Lot 31, as she is thinking that Islanders have forgotten the lot system and the wonderful work that Holland, a Royal Engineer and first Surveyor General of British North America, achieved in PEI. Catherine told me recently that she is a descendant of the Darrachs that moved from Colonsay to Clyde River, so she can tell us more about her connections when she visits.

Saturday, February 16th, 1:30 – 3:00 pm – Kirk Brown
Kirk has lived in Clyde River for many years, but we likely have never had a chance to hear about the innovative work that he was involved in when he was Director of the Institute of Man and Resources. The Institute was formed in response to the energy crisis back in the 1970s and their work was to identify strategies to reduce the Island’s dependence on outside resources. Kirk is calling his talk Back to the Future, Again! He will speak about the Institute’s energy projects and raise the issue of climate change. Maybe you have been thinking of alternate energy strategies lately. Well, have your questions ready.

Thursday evening, February 21st, 7:00 – 8:30 pm – David Weale
David will speak about The Communal Islander, the Challenges to Island Communities. David is a historian, writer, storyteller and publisher, but maybe you didn’t know he is also a songwriter and singer. They say a good entertainer knows his audience. Well, I think David knows just about all our Island foibles and how to weave them into his yarns. What he does in the process is preserve our history through stories that we all want to repeat.

Saturday, March 2nd, 1:30-3:00 pm – Helen MacPhail
Helen and her husband, former Lieutenant Governor Lloyd G. MacPhail, had the rare opportunity to meet Queen Elizabeth II, and Helen has treasured stories and memorabilia to share about that experience. Helen presented at the Queen’s Jubilee Tea in Clyde River last summer, and her stories were so entertaining, we want more of you to hear about What it is like to meet Her Majesty The Queen.

Invite your friends and neighbours to join you in welcoming our visitors to Clyde River. Make sure you think about those who may not like to drive this time of year and give them a call to say what time you can pick them up. All are welcome to attend.

The lectures will run for an hour and then we will have a little lunch and social chat. Before we know it, Spring will be here.

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  1. […] This coming Saturday, January 26th, you can come along to the first of a series of lectures at Riverview Community Centre from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. For the complete schedule, link to the story here. […]

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