Reminder: Clyde River Lecture Series Launches this coming Saturday

Screen Shot 2014-01-20 at 12.38.39 PMThis is a reminder that the Clyde River Lecture Series begins this coming Saturday at Riverview Community Centre beginning at 1:30 p.m.

Saturday, February 8th, 1:30-3:00 p.m. – Dr. Lawson Drake – Rare Words and Old Readers – Changes in Farming

Lawson Drake was educated at Prince of Wales College, MacDonald College, Cornell University and Dalhousie University. He taught biology and agriculture at Prince of Wales College and is now retired from UPEI where he taught biology. He served as the first Chair of the UPEI Biology Department and was its third Dean of Science. He is a native of Meadow Bank where he lives with his wife Eileen in a house built by his grandfather in 1881 on a farm that has been in the Drake name since 1852.

In his lecture, he will lead an interactive presentation “Rare Words and Old Readers” where he will highlight changes in farming during his lifetime and from earlier times. For example, he might ask you, “If someone gave you a firkin, could you eat it, spend it, put it in the bank, give it to someone else, fill it or plant it? His talk will no doubt stimulate some interesting discussions about farming.

Lectures continue February 15th and 22nd
Saturday, February 15th will feature Judy Shaw presenting on “Renovating the Shaw Family Homestead” and on Saturday, February 22nd with Jack Sorensen, “Capturing the History of a Community for Generations”. For more details, click here. The lectures run from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. followed by refreshments.

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