Capturing Collective Memories Event, Saturday, October 25th, 1:30 p.m.
Seniors from Clyde River and surrounding communities and those with connections to the community are invited to attend the second Capturing Collective Memories Event at Riverview Community Centre in Clyde River on Saturday, October 25th, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.
The focus of our next event will be on “Clyde River’s Heritage Photo Collection”. We invite you to take along old family albums or individual heritage photos ranging from the early 1900s to 1960s which were taken within Clyde River or surrounding communities, of present or former Clyde River residents, or taken by Clyde River folks during travels to other parts of the Island, other provinces or countries.
We have a goal to have the largest inventory of digitized heritage photos of any community in PEI, at least for a community of our size.
In the very early stages of our photo gathering, we have already collected over 300 digital photos scanned from family and community albums. When you attend on October 25th, you will get a chance to see some samples of photos collected so far representing the following themes:
- Churches & those dressed up for church
- Country chores
- Cars
- Entertainment & Leisure
- Family Life
- Family Portraits
- Farming Life
- Fishing
- Horses
- Houses & Barns
- Mills
- Relatives from the Boston States
- School Days
- Travel, roads, boats & bridges
- Weddings
- Wars/Military
- Women’s Institute
- Early Charlottetown and Island photos taken by Clyde River residents
This next event is guaranteed to be entertaining. Some highlights:
- An early class photo that Teacher Winnie MacMillan took of Clyde River students from the early 1930s and another class photo that we think is even early then that. We want you to help us identify the students!
- Family and individual portraits that show fashion and hairstyles from the late 1800s to 1940s
- Early home architecture and cars in Clyde River
- Shots of early Clyde River residents working at saw mills and on farms
- World War II photography showing a Naval ceremony and Royal Canadian Navy, USSR and German vessels.
So open up your trunks, drawers or get to the back shelves of your bookcases and closets to take along your family albums. With your permission, we will take a digital photos on site at the event of specific heritage photographs from your albums that match the themes above and maybe more themes. Many early photographs are small, but when we digitize them and you can see them larger, they come to life. Please note that we will not be looking for donations of original photos or albums. We are only taking a photograph of original. The original photos you take with you to the event, you can take back home with you.
Select digital photos will be reproduced on high quality stock paper and featured in revolving photo exhibitions at the River Community Centre and in heritage albums on our Clyde River website. Also, as a contributor, you will receive your own digitized photos that you can print and share with your family members and relatives.
If you have any questions leading up to the event, please contact Vivian Beer at 902-569-8665.
For those who are unable to attend or part of our larger website audience living in other places, please send digital heritage photos or photo albums to Vivian Beer, contact Let’s bring these photos home to Clyde River for all of us to enjoy and for future generations.
This project, “Capturing Collective Memories from Seniors” is made possible with funding from New Horizons for Seniors Program, Government of Canada.
Refreshments will be served at this event.