Capturing Collective Memories, Saturday, November 22, 1:30 pm

Kathleen MacLean, Myra MacLeod, Dalvay Murchison, Robert Matheson, Isabel Murchison, William Murchison, Ina Livingston, Ida MacLean, Tena MacKinnon – Clyde River, July 22nd, 1927 (photo provided by CraigAnn Ummel)
The Friends of Clyde River Historical Committee is once again hosting a Capturing Collective Memories Event on Saturday, November 22, 2014, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. We received many requests from those who attended the October 25th event to have a similar event again because they enjoyed viewing and sharing heritage photos. Getting together is a great way to put collective minds to work to solve historical puzzles e.g. dates of photos, people in photos, glimpses of earlier life. The experience brings out wonderful stories and joyful laughter. The collective photos show a rich overview of early life in the community.
We want to expand the November 22nd event to invite people to bring along:
- More heritage photos from 1800s and 1900s-1960s which will be digitized on site. As a contributor, you will receive digital versions of photos to share with your family.
- Heritage clothing – It is great to see photos but it would be even more interesting to see any of the clothes featured in heritage photos.
- Artifacts – could be handcrafts, diaries, maps, letters, stationery/cards, school books, work tools, quilts, jewelry, trinkets, household items, toys, as examples.
- Maybe someone would like to create a sample of a basket that would have been featured at a basket social. They may even attract a bidder.
- Are there heritage items that you wonder if others have? Let us know and we will publicize on this site and maybe they could take them along. (I wonder if anyone would have a copy of the MacLean Method of Writing book, for example.)
We want to make sure we have a good representation from all Clyde River families and those connected to Clyde River, so if you have not had a chance to contribute yet, please plan to attend.
Heritage photos could feature present or former Clyde River residents; be photos by residents taken within community, other parts of PEI, Canada or other countries they travelled to; early architecture, community events.
Donations of artifacts are welcome, as we have three large display cabinets in the Riverview Community Centre where they can be featured. At the event, you can view the artifacts that have been collected so far.
For those who are unable to attend or part of our larger website audience living in other places, please send digital heritage photos, photo albums and artifacts to Vivian Beer; contact her at or 902-569-8665 to arrange. Let’s bring these photos and historical items home to Clyde River for all of us to enjoy and for future generations.
This project, “Capturing Collective Memories from Seniors” is made possible with funding from New Horizons for Seniors Program, Government of Canada.
Committee Members:
Vivian Beer – 902-569-8665 or
Bruce Brine – 902-675-4747
Sandra Cameron – 902-675-3154
Hilda Colodey – 902-675-3171
Refreshments will be served at this event.