The Roads – Clipping from the Murray Diaries

The Guardian – December 30, 1922 – Many complaints are being made about the condition of the roads, Mr. Neil McNevin, mail courier between Charlottetown and Hampton, informs the Guardian that he has never seen worse roads during this thirty years in which he has been driving the mail on this route. All the way from Bonshaw to Charlottetown is a succession of pitches, many of them very bad. The climax is reached at the entrance to the city. Here he met a load of hay which the horse was unable to haul through a deep cutting and the mail driver was obliged to make a detour. Here his horse became bogged and before getting out broke his harness almost into uselessness besides giving the horse a harder time than he had on the whole journey. Mr. McNevin had notified the road office some days ago of the condition the roads were in but no action has been taken and no effort made to improve them. This is a poor opening for the New Years market as it is unsafe to attempt to get to the city by road.

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