Letters from the Great War: “I wish Uncle Sam would hurry up with about five million men”

England, August 9th, 1917 (Letter #27) 

Dear Brother – Jack & B

Just a few lines to let you know I am getting along pretty well. Hoping this will find you all in the pink. Well, I am out of hospital again and back to duty but still in England. I am now with the 5th Reserve, Lancaster Fusiliers in Scarborough. It is on the east coast, the first place the Germans raided. I guess you remember it. I know I do and I am in it now, but it is better than France. I expect to go back anytime now. My knee is as well now as it ever will be, but it is awful hard to march as my knee is weak, but I have to go back just the same.

I have had a very good time so far since I came to England but I have not had a letter from you or from home for four months. I do not know whether you are all dead or alive, would like to hear from you all once more and I would also like to know when the war is going to end. I am fed up with it, wish Uncle Sam would hurry up with about five million men and get them over here and wipe the damn Germans off the face of the Earth.

Well, Jack, are you working all the time and how is business in Boston? Does it make much difference since they started into the war? Now be sure and write soon and give me all the news. Remember me to Florrie and Sam and all the children, not forgetting Ted and Mary.

With lots of love for all,
Your brother, Lee

P.S. This address will get me alright now. If I have to go to France before I get an answer, they will follow me alright. Lee

#281426 Pt. Lee G. Darrach, 5th Reserve Lancaster Fusiliers, D. Coy, Racecourse Camp, Scarborough

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