Rural Municipality of Clyde River

Council Meeting Minutes

June 12, 2024


Steven Shoemaker

Carolyn Wood
Jeff Mallett
Maureen MacNevin
Julia Purcell
Catherine Murray-Grandjean
Fred Beer

Dan Murray, CAO

Items Addressed:

  1. Welcome and meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by Steven Shoemaker.

  2. *Motion to approve agenda:
    Moved by Councillor: Julia Purcell
    Seconded by Councillor: Maureen MacNevin
    Motion carried.

  3. Review and approval of minutes from last meeting:
    *Motion to approve minutes of last meeting:
    Moved by Councillor: Julia Purcell
    Seconded by Councillor: Catherine Murray-Grandjean
    Motion carried.

  4. Business arising from minutes:
    Official Plan and Development Bylaw update: The Province is reviewing the OP/DBL and have requested the OP/DBL analysis matrix; Fotenn will be forwarding the matrix for submission. The community road signs will be ready soon at Fast Signs, and will be installed as soon as we get them. We have received the Municipal Capital Expenditures Grant from the Province in the amount of $907.25. The financial statements are nearing completion at MRSB. The Municipal Affairs survey was completed and submitted, with no feedback yet.

  5. Reports:
    A) CAO – Account balances: Current – $89,746; Project – $115,435. Dalmac has forwarded the quote for the digital display sign; quote is $42,800 + HST. As the provincial grant maximum amount for community signs is $20,000, the sign cost will need to be reduced and other sources of funding will need to be accessed. An energy efficiency audit was completed for the Centre on June 11/24 through Efficiency PEI. Our application for Heat Pump funding has been submitted to the Rural Growth Initiative for provincial funding. We have not heard back from the Seniors Secretariat concerning our application for Seniors’ meal events. We have provided a recreation re-imbursement to a local family. Clean-up Day at Murchison Park went well, with less volunteers than usual, thanks to all that helped; the park looks good, and is being used quite frequently. The signs will be put up at the park and the cemetery. We have received a number of summer student applications; Julia and Dan will interview the applicants.
    B) Community Centre – Rentals are going well, we have had a busy May, with exercise classes, WI meetings and a meal prep event being held, as well as family gatherings.
    C) APM – Maureen reported that a meeting had been held and Brad Laporte was engaged to seek sources of funding to enable the expansion project to move ahead.

  6. New business:
    – Committees – Committee structure, terms of reference, and committee chairs were briefly reviewed and discussed. Confirmation of chairs and further discussion will be held at the next meeting.
    – Canada Day celebrations at the Centre were discussed and arranged. Dignitaries (local MP and MLAs) will be invited to attend.
    – The Strawberry Social was discussed and arranged for July 17/24.

  7. Motion to adjourn at 7:45 pm by Jeff Mallett.
    Next Council meeting will be held on Sept. 18/24 at 6:30 pm at RCC.
    Minutes drafted by: Dan Murray, CAO.

Other Minutes:

Agenda Dec.11/24

Agenda Jan.15/25

Council Meeting Agenda Nov.13/24

Council Meeting Agenda Dec.11/24

Council Meeting Minutes – Dec.11/24

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 6:30 pm

June 12, 2024