Fall news from Clyde River Women’s Institute
The following are reports from the Clyde River Women’s Institute Meetings for October and November.
October News:
Clyde River WI held their October meeting at Riverview Community Centre. President Betty Watts opened the meeting by repeating the Mary Stewart Collect and the WI Mission Statement.
Ten members answered roll call by sharing their favourite Cranberry Recipe. The thought for the evening was given by Betty Watts. Correspondence consisted of Notes and News and information regarding the upcoming Fall Workshop. A request was received from East Wiltshire Junior High School for a skillet for the Breakfast Program. JoAnn MacPhail moved and Thelma Gillespie seconded the motion that we provide this item.
It was also decided to increase the prize value for the Mustard Pickle category at the Provincial Exhibition and to donate a new prize for the “Under age 14” category.
Crokinole Parties have begun for another season and Lunch Lists were passed out for the first half of the season. The WI members are extremely grateful to the many volunteers who help out in providing lunches. These parties are held each Monday night at the Community Centre at 7:30pm.
Following discussion, it was decided to send letters to various MLA’s in an effort to save Strathgartney Park.
Emily Bryant reported that the renovations to the Centre are well underway, and the pictures of the local veterans have been re-matted.
Plans were finalized for the “Apple Pie Festival” coming up on Oct 28th & 29th.
Fun and Nonsense was provided by Audrey MacPhee. The meeting was adjourned and lunch was served by the committee in charge.
November News:
Eleven members of Clyde River WI attended the November meeting held at the Community Centre. President Betty Watts welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with Mary Stewart Collect and the new WI purpose. Emily Bryant presented the thought for the evening. Roll Call was answered by showing baby pictures and a gift for Crokinole Party prizes.
Emily Bryant presented a report on another successful Apple Pie Festival. There were 932 pies made in all, and a hearty vote of thanks was given to all members and the many volunteers from the community and also from outside the community.
Sunshine Committee reported sending Sympathy and Get Well cards.
A wreath is to be purchased and presented at the Remembrance Day Service on Nov 11th.
Ethel MacQuarrie as International Affairs Convener introduced Amanda Gillespie who has been teaching in South Korea. Amanda gave an interesting presentation and video as well as showing articles and souvenirs. As an extra bonus, she also brought along some Korean food treats for us to sample.
Fun and Nonsense was also provided by Ethel MacQuarrie. The December meeting will be in the form of an adult Community Christmas Party to be held on Tuesday, evening December 13th at 8pm at the Community Centre. Residents are encouraged to come out and enjoy meeting friends and neighbours, sing some carols, play some games and have lots of laughs. Bring along a little gift for exchange and have a visit with Santa. Refreshments will be provided.