Women’s Institute March News
Sadie MacLean was hostess for the March meeting of Clyde River WI. Prior to the regular agenda, Carol Richards, as convener of Home Economics and Health, introduced Jamie Constable, full-time co-ordinator with Alzheimer’s Society PEI. Jamie gave a most interesting and informative presentation on Alzheimer’s – the brain disease – emphasizing that it is a disease and not just an aging process. Carol thanked Jamie and presented her with a gift.
President Betty Watts opened the meeting with the Mary Stewart Collect and the WI Mission Statement. Ten members answered roll call with an Easter Card and an Irish joke or a Limerick. Emily Bryant moved that we make a donation to the Alzheimer’s Society, and Thelma Gillespie seconded the motion.
Betty Watts reported attending an interesting workshop held at the WI Office on Founder’s Day. Emily reported a successful program on Heart Health for Women held at the Riverview Community Centre on February 19th. Members from four nearby institutes attended. Two WI members, Sadie MacLean and Ethel MacQuarrie, spoke about their own experiences with heart health. Annie Boyle introduced the “Vial of Life” which is a small container that contains a person’s list of medications. It is placed inside the fridge on the door, and a sticker is placed on the outside of the door. Should an ambulance be called to the house and see the sticker, they know how to find out what medication the patient is on. Here is the link to find out more information – www.seniorssafety.ca
Plans were finalized for serving refreshments at the Area 9 District Convention. JoAnn MacPhail reported that a smoke/carbon monoxide detector has been purchased for the Centre.
Vivian Beer conducted a learning session at the Community Centre re our local website, so that residents could understand it and make better use of it. The website is very enjoyable, as it announces coming events and lots of items of interest.
Fun and Nonsense was provided by Helen MacPhail, who recited an amusing poem entitled “Ode to a Bathing Suit”. The meeting adjourned, and following the WI Grace, lunch was served. Next meeting will take place at the Community Centre on Tuesday, April 5th at 8pm.
New members are most welcome and can contact Betty at 566-2840 for further information.
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I really enjoy reading about the WI activities – sure hope they continue to keep us updated.
It was a smoke/carbon monoxide detector that I picked up for the Centre. Jim Pound is going to install it.
Correction made, thanks.