Pancakes and Great Neighbours
[slideshow]There were about 150 out for the pancake breakfast hosted by Friends of Clyde River this past Sunday morning from 8:00 to 10:30. Congratulations to Lisa Ross, Jo-Ann MacPhail, Kerrilee York and Melanie Sider for planning the event and selling a good number of tickets door to door ahead of time. Lisa focused on all the newer young families in the Dunedin area and they came out in full force. Also, thanks to the volunteers who helped out on Sunday to make the whole morning run so smoothly.
Looking around the room, it was great to see the faces we usually see at community events mixed in with as many new faces. One Dunedin resident mentioned how he was pleased to meet his own neighbours. This is exactly the type of community spirit building that the Friends will continue to work on, so maybe we will see more of these folks out to regular events like the upcoming Christmas Party at the Riverview Centre on December 4th at 7:30 p.m. and next year’s Strawberry Social. As my mother always said, “You could do without your friends, but you can’t do without your neighbours.” Good neighbours are such a great gift which makes living in a community so much more rewarding.
Others with family connections were there from surrounding communities and Charlottetown. Clyde River welcomes all people who want to join us, so don’t be shy.
The money raised from the pancake breakfast will be attributed to the maintenance of Murchison Place Park. We heard lots of wonderful comments about the park and how much people of all ages and especially children enjoy this wonderful space. In every way, it is truly a community park. One new resident mentioned that when they first moved to Clyde River, her child wanted to stop at the park every time they drove past. We want to keep adding interesting things to the park, so each year children will look to see what they already love but also see what is new.
If you didn’t get a chance to attend on Sunday and you would like to still donate to Murchison Place Park, call Bruce Brine who lives on the Clyde River Road at 675-4747.
We handed out a survey at the breakfast and here are some ideas for other events that people would like to see happen in Clyde River. Maybe you have some of your own…if so, add a comment below.
- More music in the hall and park
- Yoga
- Early morning aerobics
- Potluck supper
- Art
- Children’s activities
Keep those good ideas coming!
The Friends of Clyde River is a newly-formed group focused on special community projects. Stay tuned for more good things to come!
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Thank you for capturing what sounds like a wonderful community building exercise. The Friends of Clyde River group provides great potential to make a difference and I am proud of all of you. The ideas for new activites are encouraging. The Community Care Facility will also bring an opportunity for additional activities.
And,of course, the positive comments and connection to the Park is thrilling.