Letters from the Great War – “I am on my way but don’t know where”

At Sea, May 7th, 1916 – (Letter #13) 

Dear Brother;

Just a few lines to let you know I am well. Hoping this finds you all the same. Well, I am on my way but don’t know where. Left Milford last Monday night and we are having a fine trip. Jack, you know we can’t tell what ship were are on or where we are going. You know from experience yourself, but I don’t know myself where we are going to be. It don’t bother me any. I do not know my address. Will write when I get to know my address, so you can write and give me the news. Hope they will get Teddy Roosevelt in this Fall and that he will get after the Germans.

Give my love and best regards to Florrie, Sam and kids, not forgetting Ted and Mary. Will close for this time.

From Lee

Editor’s Note:

Teddy Roosevelt criticized Woodrow Wilson for not entering the war with Germany. In 1916, Roosevelt was encouraged to run again for US President, but eventually he declined and placed his support behind Republican leader Charles Hughes.

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