Clyde River’s Women’s Heart Health event
On February 19, 2011, the Clyde River Women’s Institute and the Heart and Stroke Foundation PEI partnered to host an afternoon to promote the increased use of fruits and vegetables and exercise as a way to reduce the risk factors of heart disease and stroke in women. Participants were women of Clyde River, the Clyde River Women’s Institute, and neighbouring Institutes of York Point, New Haven, St. Catherine’s and Meadow Bank.
A 15-minute informative power point presentation was given by Sarah Crozier, Health Promotion Coordinator of HSFPEI. Jenilyn MacPhail, an intern with HSFPEI and Melissa Lafrance, a volunteer with HSFPEI, answered questions and offered information about nutrition.
Two members of the CRWI Womens Institute who have experienced life changing heart attacks gave personal accounts of their experiences. Annie Boyle gave a presentation of the Vial for Life Program and many signed up for this program.
Participants broke into two groups and while one group did the “Taste Your Name” activity choosing fruits and vegetables of the letters of their name, another group did a fun guided exercise. Some of the foods were new to the group and fun to see and try.
Participants heard a clear message that fruit and vegetables are good for you and variety adds color, good tastes, satisfies appetite with few calories and improves health. Fruits and vegetables can be prepared in many ways and in many combinations.
A social time followed and participants made their own salad, tried veggie/fruit choices with dip, or had a bowl of heart healthy soup and a cup of regular or noncaffeinated teas. Handouts and Heart Healthy recipes were passed to each participant. Skipping ropes from the HSFPEI and samples of unusual fruits were given as prizes.
Special thanks to the Sarah, Jenilyn and Melissa, the Heart and Stroke Foundation resources. Thank you to Cornwall Save Easy for their help and great selection of fruits and vegetables. Thank you to the FWIC and PEIWI for setting the ambitious goal of reaching all Canadian women during 2011 with messages of awareness, risks and prevention of heart disease (heart attacks and stroke).
Click here to find recipes on the Canadian Heart & Stroke Foundation site.
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Betty Watts and Emily did a great job of organizing this Heart Health event. Emily especially for the shopping for and cutting up of the A-Z vegetables and fruit and getting the displayed so well. The carrot and pumpkin soup was great and the salad was very interesting.
Jo-Ann MacPhail